
Autistic Pride Day 18th June 2024

Autistic Pride Day is celebrated annually on June 18th. It is a day dedicated to recognising and honouring the diversity, talents, and strengths of autistic individuals across the world. It serves as a platform to raise awareness about autism spectrum disorders, challenge stereotypes, and promote acceptance and inclusion.
Everyone at Grace House recognises and celebrates the unique perspectives and contributions of autistic individuals to society.

By recognising and celebrating Autistic Pride Day, Grace House aim to inspire positive change by challenging ableism and promoting a culture of inclusion, acceptance, and celebration of diversity. Our aim is that this celebration creates ripple effects, influencing attitudes and behaviours in the wider community and beyond.

Join us here at Grace House in recognising and celebrating Autism Pride Day 2024. Many autistic pride events can be small, personal celebrations! You can show support by wearing a symbolic infinity rainbow pin or ribbon. Or share a post raising awareness within your community, such as a post from someone autistic talking about their experiences. You could participate in a fundraising activity and donate to local organisations that support those with autism. Spend some time educating yourself and others about autism and what you can do to support people around you who are autistic.

Become a volunteer here at Grace House by emailing [email protected], we’d love to welcome you on board, it’s a great opportunity to learn from those with autism, celebrate their achievements and help their voices be heard.